Corporate Financing
You need financial support?
Do you know this: your long-time familiar house bank denies you as a businessman or start-up more financial latitude or a desired loan? And if there is the desired cash injection, then usually only with a position of 200% security. This is unfortunately the reality.
Banking is no longer individual and tailor-made, but technically generalized. No matter whether you are looking for a private investor or a bank loan, my financing knowledge will surely help you.
Certainly more liquidity
Benefit from my practical experience and established contacts in these areas:
»Liquidity procurement in the event of financial bottlenecks
»Credit & Investor Search for start-ups
»Private investors for expansion and investment business
Your advantage: I orientate myself tailor-made to your individual wishes – as a start-up entrepreneur or as an established entrepreneur. Just use my offer:
»Free examination of a financing option
»Individual search for potential investors
»Accompanying conversations with banks and private investors
Any questions? Great, then call me right now: 041 712 33 33 or write me any questions and requests here: liquidity and financial assistance